My Blog List

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Decisions, Decisions!

Why is it so difficult to make a choice sometimes? There are things out there that take me no time to decide and then there are other choices that I am so indecisive over! Current indecision...what paint colors do I like the best....which ones willl I like for the longest length of time....which ones won't show the dirt and grime of the 5 cowboys.......which flooring will look the best? Does it mattter? UGH! Tell me what do you do to just make up your mind and go with it.
For now - I am just sitting here staring at paint samples.
Bobby Girl

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grateful Heart

It has been a long time since I have posted but today I must. Today I give thanks with a grateful heart. It was four years ago this week that the cowboy was in a major rollover accident. He was driving down "Rice Road" headed back to work with plans of a long weekend to spend with the family. His drive was interrupted by a blown tire that pulled him into the wrong lane of traffic. He was forced to try to make it to the opposite side of the road with hopes of stopping. That isn't what happened instead once he hit the first embankment he blew a second tire which led to rolling over 3times. He was totally protected by God....he was not knocked out and realized when he need to duck low to avoid a head injury. The photos of his work truck explain it best. To make his staying concsious and alert even more amazing was that he had his truck packed with extra equipment. Literally there were hack saws, screwdrivers, drills, a major (huge) wrench and several other tools riding in the cab with him. His injuries were mild, a cut ear, seatbelt burn, a torn shoulder rotator, cuts and scrapes. All this occured in the same year in which I lost my dad. Thanks you Jesus for protecting my cowboy and preventing me from losing my dad and husband all within the same year. So rejoice with me and give thanks to God with a grateful heart. Our blessings surround us each day, take a moment to recognize them and share them with others!

Bobby Girl

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Have you heard about the silhouette? I have know about these fabulous machines and today I found a great give away at the Stories of A to z blog....check out my side bars and click the link to find out more!
Bobby girl

Monday, June 21, 2010


I love summer! I apologize for neglecting this blog! I survived the month of May! So so busy. We have been running from baseball, 4-H, science camp and a bunch of teacher trainings. The big cowboy had Lasiks done to his eye (great success) and I know finally have been home for a whole 4 days in a row! Woo Hoo! Now time for updates - hopefully I will get everyone caught up on the cowboy events. We have been camping so I will be posting some items from well as tips for summer fun. Have a great day!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It is has arrived! It started late but it is here! All of the little cowboys are signed up and equipped. If anyone would like to see me I will now be at the baseball diamonds Monday -Thursday and maybe more if there are extra practices in between. Don't get me wrong - I love it - I enjoy the art of competition..I just wish they would serve us dinner while we watch.

The picture is from last years season.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lady Bug Salad

Here is my latest favorite salad. I tried to mimic a salad that I ordered at a restaurant. I wasn't sure when I ordered it if I would like it but I ended up loving it. Once I figured out how to make it - it became named the Lady Bug Salad. It got it's name from the 7 yr. old cowboy. He has a new fixation with ladybugs....due to science at school. So last weekend he caught a really big one! We put it in a cup and gave it food and water - put a lid on it with air holes. Anyhow the ladybug got away. He was sure the 9 yr. old cowboy set it free......then we saw it on the big cowboy's shoulder. I went to grab it and OPPS!- I dropped it.......right in the salad......or so I thought....we still ate the salad
To make the salad:
Romaine lettuce
(or salad kit of your liking)
dried cranberries
1/2 of an apple (cut into chunks)
reg/plain feta cheese
(I didn't have feta when I made the one in the picture - I used provolone)
Raspberry Vinaigrette
Dice grilled chicken breast
(I didn't use the chicken on the photo salad)
Mix it all together and eat!
Big cowboy didn't think he'd like it but now enjoys the change from the regular dinner salad he normally eats.
Oh and by the time we finished the photo salad - we found the ladybug crawling on the floor under the table. So we didn't eat the ladybug but the name stuck to the salad! It does sort of have a ladybug look to it!
Bobby Girl

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Typical Day

So...the little cowboys needed baseball problem right - just go shopping. Here is a typical day for me. We head out - keep in mind we must drive 45 minutes just to get to a sporting goods store. We get there - great sale going on.....I love bargains. No problems yet...then it starts. We saw a killer deal on golf clubs. Call big cowboy he says nab the deal, added extra expense - but a great bargain still. Bring on the cleats.....11 yr old cowboy finds 3 different type - the sales guys walk by like 5 times before anyone even tries to remotely hear me or even look at me - as I am saying we need a 10 or 11....stayed calm no biggie...kind of expect it even. After like 9 different pairs tried on we find a pair - bit spendy but when you need them you need them. Then we finally get all the little cowboy's their stuff (thank goodness by red-headed friend was with this time) I go to check out...pick the shortest line - 1 person in front of me - easy right - well checker decides to leave for a second (remain calm) and in fact it turned out to be a quick visit to the back room and right back....then she scans all the items....some troubles with gloves but all in all pretty easy - then the card....It literally took like 15 minutes of waiting for the register - call to the manager then 20 minutes total - checked the meantime big cowboy calls - 11 yr. old cowboy's best friend is in town for the day - hurry home to see we decide quick trip to look for a new spotlight then fast spotlights - onto the fast food.....very busy at the place we pick - so we go inside instead of drive. Not a long line - place order - the Lil' cowboys ordered shakes =-) got those - then the wait.....we waited and waited.....RHF gets her order so we wait by the counter....only 3 of us it shouldn't be long....waitress - are you waiting for something.....yep - needless to say 45 minutes later - we get the food - $7 discount - extra chick strips and an extra burger. I maintained the calmed -=/ and told the Lil cowboys how this type of experience builds character.....and what character I have - this is not a stand out day....this type of thing always happened - why do I leave the house. Thanks RHF - loved your help today - ride home - 9 yr old cowboy - freaks out over a kinds of things - and needs to go P (#2) - I told him to pick a cactus and have fun - he decided to make the 45 min drive home. Arrived home - friends had already left to go back home....7 yr. old cowboy freaks out that his cleats aren't fancy, cool or any of the words he told us to look for.....he should have come too.......What fun things did you do today?